

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Please Pray for Our Healing Ministry

Please Pray for Our Healing Ministry. That the Holy Spirit will Fill us with his Gifts and Direct us in Prayer. Jesus is the Divine Healer and Through Our Faith  and Prayers , Jesus will do Miracles. Amen Peace St. Raphael

A Guide To Intercessory Prayer

Intercessory Prayer     Very Good Guide ---Take a Look!!! Peace St. Raphael

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 23 (Padre Pio's Feast Day)

September 23 (Padre Pio's Feast Day) Medjugorje visionaries Ivan and Marija will be streamed live in English at from Cardinal Schoenborn's Cathedral, St. Stephens in Vienna. Enjoy!

Friends are Very Special

              Who are friends? Friends are very special people that God puts in our path. Friend's are someone you can trust. Friends can also be that person who may have helped you with something very important at a certain moment in time. And you think after they leave ,, that God put them there for some special reason and that they are a true friend for helping you in that need. Always pray for your Friends because you may only have them for just a little bit. But the time that you made with a friend will last forever. Who knows ,, that friend that helped you could have been the Holy Spirit helping you in need. Something to think about!! Peace St. Raphael

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Listen to you Heart

          Listen to your Heart,, for The Lord speaks to it. Listen to your Heart for the Holy Spirit guides us . God fills Our Hearts with the Holy Spirit for us to pour on everyone we encounter each day. And the Holy Spirit is Love . Peace St. Raphael

Exorcist says Satan exists but without 'horns, wings or a tail' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Exorcist says Satan exists but without 'horns, wings or a tail' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Healing Prayers for the Sick by Fr. Fernando Suarez

ZENIT - Pope Warns of Accommodating the "Spirit of the Age"

Pope Warns of Christmas at Risk    <-------Pope Benedict warns of Christmas is at Risk,, Please READ!!!!

Life of Fr. Fernando Suarez

Fr. Fernando at Our Lady of the Valley

Timing and criteria for "judging" apparitions - Interview with Monsignor Angelo Amato (Avvenire, July 9, 2008) - Medjugorje WebSite

Timing and criteria for "judging" apparitions - Interview with Monsignor Angelo Amato (Avvenire, July 9, 2008) - Medjugorje WebSite



Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reflection on Cardinal Newman's Beatification

Prayer for You!

           Dear Eternal Father, I pray for everyone who view's my blog . That they will get a wonderful Blessing from you and that it will fill them with Joy. Amen St. Raphael.

Sunday, September 5, 2010