

Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 28, 2012 Message to Medjugorje visionary named Ivan Dragicevic

" "Dear children, also today I desire to call you to joy. Anew I call you to joy! I call you at the same time to responsibility. Dear children, accept my messages responsibly and live my messages, because in the living of my messages I desire to lead you to my Son. All of these years that I have been together with you my finger has been directed toward the Son, towards Jesus.  I have a desire to lead all of you to Him.  Therefore these days that are upcoming, may your question also be -- and I pose this question to you - 'What can I do that my heart may be closer to Jesus?'  May this question lead you.  Say to yourselves, 'What must I leave behind?  What must I reject that my heart may be closer to Jesus?  Pray dear children, and I will pray for all of you that your answer in your hearts may be 'Yes, I desire to be closer to Jesus!'  Thank you, dear children, for also today having responded to my call." 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Healer - Hillsong

You are a priest forever

I dedicate this to all Of God's Wonderful Priest in the World and I ask Our Dear Lord in Heaven to please keep them all Safe and Holy . Please pray for Our Priest everyday - God Bless  St. R

Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success by Marian Horvat

Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success by Marian Horvat

A Prayer to Our Lady of Siluva

A Prayer
to Our Lady of Siluva

O Most Holy Virgin Mary, Thou who didst appear to the shepherds in the fields at Siluva, Thou whose tears did bathe the rock where once an altar stood, Thou who didst with plaintive voice say: “You plow and seed here where formerly my Son was honored,” grant that we, moved by Thy tears, may, once as our Forefathers did, revive the spirit of adoration of Thy Son in our fallow hearts, strengthen the tottering structure of the shrine which is the family, and seek forgiveness for our negligence and sins.
O Mother of God, we desire to raise up the glory of Your revelation from forgotten ruins, that we may all the more honor Thee, the Patroness of Lithuania, and with Thy help obtain for us the spirit of a living Faith. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our Lady of Siluva

Our Lady of Siluva

The story begins in 1457

The story of Our Lady of Siluva actually began in 1457, when Peter Giedgaudas, a diplomat for Vytautas the Great, built the first church in the area and gave the land to the Catholic Church. On one of his many travels he went to Rome and there obtained a magnificent painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary holding the child Jesus. He brought the painting back to Lithuania and put it in the sanctuary of the new church in Siluva.
For several generations the faithful worshiped God and honored the Blessed Mother in their little shrine church.

BlogWatcher - Why Cardinal Martini did not succeed Pope John Paul II - CathNews

BlogWatcher - Why Cardinal Martini did not succeed Pope John Paul II - CathNews

Ascending Mount Carmel: A Spiritual Armory: Top Ten Guides To Spiritual Warfare

Ascending Mount Carmel: A Spiritual Armory: Top Ten Guides To Spiritual Warfare

                Great info , from Ascending Mount Carmel      Peace St.Raphael