Message to Mirjana - December 2, 2017
Today, Our Lady appeared to Mirjana Soldo and gave the following message:
addressing you as your mother. Mother of the just, mother of those who
love and suffer. Mother of the Holy ones. My children, you also can be
holy. It depends on you. Holy are those who immensely love the Heavenly
Father. Those who love him above all. Therefore, my children, always try
to be better. If you try to be good, you can be holy even if you
don't think about yourself like this. If you think that you’re good, you
are not humble and then arrogance will distance you from the holiness.
In this restless world, full of threats; your hands, apostles of my
love, should be extended in prayer and mercy. And to me, my children,
give as a gift a garden of roses. Roses that I love so much. My roses
are your prayers expressed with heart, and not only spoken with your
lips. My roses are your acts of prayer, of faith and of love. When he
was little, my son told me that my children will be many and that many
roses they will bring to me. I did not comprehend him. Now I know that
you are those children who bring me roses when, above all, you love my
son. When you pray with heart, when you help the poorest, those are my
roses. That is the faith which makes that everything in love is
done through love. That one does not know about arrogance and that we
are always ready to forgive, never to judge. Always try to understand
your brother. Therefore, apostles of my love, pray for those who do not
know to love, those who do not love you, those who did evil to you,
those who did not come to know the love of my son. My children,
I'm asking this of you because, remember, to pray means to love and to
forgive. Thank you.
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